
Since its inception, TOSSD has been openly discussed in numerous events with recipient and provider countries, international organisations, civil society organisations and other interested stakeholders. This page provides information on the main events held. 

The meetings of the International Task Force and the documents therein discussed are presented on a separate page here.

Events list


2024-09-10 2024-09-10

TOSSD capacity building seminar for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

The seminar will present a general introduction to the TOSSD methodology,  and show how MENA countries could present in TOSSD their official support to sustainable development. The Secretariat will also present TOSSD data and its different uses for financing for development analyses. The TOSSD Secretariat co-hosts this seminar with the Islamic Development Bank; and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).



2024-07-3 2024-07-3

TOSSD capacity building seminar for countries and organisations in Europe and Central Asia

The seminar will present a general introduction to the TOSSD methodology,  show how countries and organisations could present in TOSSD their official support to sustainable development in developing countries and globally, and present TOSSD data and its different uses for financing for development analyses.

Agenda; Presentation


2024-05-21 2024-05-24

First General Assembly and Steering Group meetings of the International Forum on TOSSD

  See the International Forum on TOSSD page


2024-04-23 2024-04-23

Thriving for Transparency in Development Support: Presentation of the International Forum on TOSSD and the 2022 TOSSD Figures.

The side event was hosted by the TOSSD Secretariat, alongside esteemed co-hosts including the European Union, Mexico, Peru, the UN CEB Secretariat, and Spain. The side event took place at the margins of the 2024 FfD Forum.

The event served to present the key figures of 2022 TOSSD data, and the latest developments of the TOSSD framework. The event also introduced the brand-new  International Forum on TOSSD (IFT), shedding light on its potential to facilitate and inform discussions leading up to the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development.



2024-04-17 2024-04-17

TOSSD capacity building for UN entities



Agenda; Presentation


2024-04-10 2024-04-10

TOSSD capacity building seminar for data users

This seminar presented the TOSSD framework and how its data can help researchers, organisations and media to inform development planning, SDG monitoring, donor coordination and policy analysis. The seminar also served to collect feedback from the audience, regarding the TOSSD methodology, and the use and visualisation of TOSSD data. AgendaPresentation



Meeting of the Interim Governing Body of the International Forum on TOSSD

  See the International Forum on TOSSD page


2023-12-06 2023-12-06

TOSSD Capacity Building Seminar for Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)

This seminar will strengthen capacities in MDBs to report on TOSSD, and foster peer learning among MDBs and IFIs on the reporting to TOSSD. It will be also a great ocassion to explore ways of engagement with the broader community of regional development banks.  AgendaPresentation


2023-10-17 2023-10-17

TOSSD Capacity Building Seminar on Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)

This seminar presented how TOSSD data can help developing countries inform their VNRs on the official support they receive. TOSSD data can help developing countries that present their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on the implementation of the SDGs at the HLPF.  Agenda; Presentation


2023-07-06 2023-07-07

21st meeting of the TOSSD Task Force

  See the TOSSD Task Force page


2023-06-22 2023-06-22

TOSSD Capacity Building seminar for Asia

The seminar focused on (i) Presenting the main TOSSD concepts; (ii) explaining the TOSSD methodology, as well as how countries and organisations could report their contributions towards sustainable development; and (iii) Presenting TOSSD’s data visualisation tool and its potential to inform policy making.

 Agenda; Presentation
Virtual 2023-05-17 2023-05-17

TOSSD Capacity Building seminar for Latin America

The seminar presented TOSSD's main concepts and methodology to report official contributions to sustainable development. The seminar also served as a peer learning exercise between Latin American countries on reporting to TOSSD.

 Agenda; Presentation
Virtual 2023-04-19 2023-04-19

Filling data gaps in the measurement of development support:
Presentation of 2021 TOSSD figures

2023 Financing for Development Forum side event.

The event presented the main findings of the 2022 TOSSD data collection on 2021 activities on the measurement of development support. It also showcased the latest developments related to the TOSSD framework to expand data coverage. 

Agenda; 2021 Key figures

Virtual 2023-04-12 2023-04-12 TOSSD capacity building seminar with recipient countries

This seminar presented the TOSSD framework to recipient countries, and how TOSSD data can inform their work on development planning, SDG monitoring, donor coordination and policy analysis.

Presentation - Introduction for TOSSD to recipient countries

Dakar 2023-03-07 2023-03-09 20th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force  

See the TOSSD Task Force page

Virtual 2022-12-07 2022-12-12 19th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force  

See the TOSSD Task Force page

Virtual 2022-10-20 2022-10-27 18th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force  

See the TOSSD Task Force page

Paris 2022-07-11 2022-07-13 17th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force  

See the TOSSD Task Force page

Virtual meeting 2022-07-07  

Presentation - Seminar with Asia and the Pacific countries

The TOSSD Secretariat organised a seminar to explain the TOSSD Framework and reporting process, as well as to build capacities in recipient countries to monitor financing for the SDGs. 

Presentation - Seminar with Asia and the Pacific countries

Virtual meting 2022-01 2022-07

Seminarios de creación de capacidades con países de América Latina y el Caribe

Entre enero y julio de 2022, la Secretaría TOSSD ha tenido sesiones informativas con cinco países de la región: Brasil, Colombia, México, Perú y República Dominicana. Las sesiones han servido para explicar a los participantes la metodología TOSSD, sus beneficios, y también para desarrollar sus capacidades en el uso de los datos de TOSSD. 

Presentación - Sesión México y Brasil (Enero 25, 2022)

Presentación - Seminario Colombia (Marzo 31 y Mayo 4, 2022)

Presentación - Seminario República Dominicana (Junio 7 y 8, 2022)

Presentación - Sesión Informativa Perú (Mayo 24 y Julio 1, 2022)

Virtual meeting 2022-05-31 2022-05-31

Capacity building seminar on TOSSD with Nigeria

Nigeria is a member of the TOSSD Task Force, and reports their official support on sustainable development on 2019 since 2019. The TOSSD Secretariat held a Seminar with the Nigerian government to explain the main refinements to the TOSSD Methodology, as well as to build capacities to use TOSSD to monitor financing for the SDGs.

Presentation - Seminar with Nigeria

Virtual Meeting 2022-05-18  

Virtual TOSSD capacity-building seminar for French-speaking recipient countries

The seminar provided more than 50 participants with general information about TOSSD, its main features and benefits, as well as recent developments related to the framework.

It also was an opportunity to develop the capacity of recipient countries to use TOSSD data, in order to strengthen the monitoring and analysis of SDG financing, as well as development planning processes


Concept note

Présentation - Atelier d'information pour les pays en développement francophones

Participation du Sénégal aux travaux du TOSSD

Virtual meeting 2022-04-27  

Financing next generation health systems:
A new approach to data for health-related SDGs

Side event organised by the Secretariat of the International TOSSD Task Force in the margins of the meeting of OECD Council on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Financing next generation health systems: A new approach to data for health related SDGs

Les enjeux liés au financement de la santé au Sénégal

WHO - Tracking financial flows on Preparedness

Virtual meeting 2022-04-26  

Closing the information gap: TOSSD as a data source for the SDG global indicator framework (2022 Financing for Development Forum side event)


The event presented the main findings of the 2021 TOSSD data collection on 2020 activities on the measurement of development support. It will also showcase the latest developments related to the TOSSD framework, including its recent recognition as an official data source for the SDG indicator framework. Finally, it will call on more countries and organisations to join the TOSSD initiative to further increase transparency through SDG indicator 17.3.1 on the measurement of development support.

TOSSD 2020 key figuresUpdated concept noteConcept note

Virtual meeting 2022-04-05 2022-04-07 16th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force   See the TOSSD Task Force page
Virtual Meeting 2022-02-14 2022-02-17 15th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force   See the TOSSD Task Force page
Virtual Meeting 2022-02-10 2022-02-16 Joint TOSSD IsDB seminars TOSSD and IsDB jointly organised three seminars in February 2022 to explain the TOSSD Framework and reporting process, as well as to build capacities in recipient countries to monitor financing to the SDGs. Over 60 participants from more than 30 IsDB member countries and organizations attended the webinars.

Introduction to TOSSD

IsDB’s Activities for Islamic Finance Sector Development

The IsDB approach to South South and Triangular Cooperation

Reporting on TOSSD

How to use TOSSD data

Virtual Meeting 2022-02-15   Side event of 53rd session of the UN Statistical Commission  "New indicator on the measurement of development support"

The Co-Chairs of the UN working group on Measurement of Development Support presented the new version of the SDG indicator 17.3.1., its methodology and the negotiation process.

The TOSSD Task Force Secretariat, along with UNCTAD, presented the basis for a joint work to report on this indicator. 

53rd UN Statcom official side events'listRecording of the session

Virtual Meeting 2021-11-11 2021-11-12 8th Meeting of the
Steering Committee of the Arab Statistics Initiative
The Secretariat presented TOSSD in the session on Sustainable Development Goals Indicators. Arabstat - 8th meeting. 10-11 November 2021
Virtual meeting 2021-06-29 2021-06-30 13th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force    See the TOSSD Task Force page
Virtual meeting 2021-06-22 2021-06-24 Capacity building session on TOSSD with recipient countries The Secretariat organised an information and capacity-building webinar on TOSSD specifically designed for recipient countries.

Introduction to TOSSDCapacity building for datata reporters and users

Virtual meeting 2021-06-15   Capacity building session on TOSSD reporting with WP-STAT reporters (DAC and non-DAC)   Reporting on TOSSD for CRS reporters
Virtual meeting 2021-06-04   TOSSD capacity building seminar with MDBs and other IFIs   Module: Introduction to TOSSD for MDBs, Module: Reporting on TOSSD
Virtual meeting 2021-06-02 2021-06-03 A un seminario sobre TOSSD para América Latina    Module: Introduccion a TOSSD, Module: Reporte en TOSSD, Module: Uso de herramienta visualización datos TOSSD
Virtual meeting


  Capacity building session on TOSSD reporting with Multilateral Institutions   Module: Introduction to TOSSD, Module: Reporting on TOSSD, Module: Data visualisation tool
Virtual meeting


  TOSSD capacity building seminar with think tanks and analysts   Module: Introduction to TOSSD, Module for data users
Virtual meeting 


  The Missing Link: Improving the Transparency of Global Statistics for Sustainable Development in a Post-COVID Era Presentation of the first comprehensive dataset of the TOSSD framework   Concept note, FfD outcome document, paragraph 46 
Virtual meeting


 2021-03-11 12th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force   See the TOSSD Task Force page
Riyadh 2020-11-21 2020-11-22

G20 Riyadh Summit


Financing for Sustainable Development Framework – First reference to TOSSD in a G20 document.

The Leaders’ declaration, including the endorsement of the FSD Framework.

Virtual meeting 2020-11-11 2020-11-12 7th Meeting of the Arab Statistics Initiative “Arabstat”   Agenda
Virtual meeting 2020-10-06  2020-10-09 11th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force   See the TOSSD Task Force page
New York 2020-03-03 2020-03-06 UN Statistical Commission 51th meeting

Report on the fifty-first session(3–6March 2020) – par. 51/101 (f)

Report of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicator – par 26-27

Event page
Pretoria 2020-02-12 2020-02-13 10th meeting of the TOSSD Task Force, Pretoria, South Africa   See the TOSSD Task Force page
Pretoria 2019-10-10   South Africa TOSSD workshop   Agenda
New York 2019-10-04   Official launch of the TOSSD data survey   Concept note, Presentation of main results
Brussels 2019-09-10   IATI Annual general assembly   Agenda
Paris 2019-07-04   G7 Meeting Development Segment   Declaration
Ottawa 2019-06-06   Consultation on TOSSD with Latin America and Caribbean countries and organisations   See the TOSSD Task Force page
New York 2019-04-16 2019-04-17 Financing for Development Forum & TOSSD side event    
New York 2019-04-15 2019-04-18 Ffd Forum & TF side event   Concept note
New York 2019-03-05 2019-03-08 UN Statistical Commission & TOSSD side event   Report on the 50th session and TF side event
Beijing 2019-01-24 2019-01-25 TOSSD workshop with CAITEC   Agenda
Brasilia 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 Seminar in International Cooperation: Financing for Development   Agenda
Dubai 2018-10-24 2018-10-25 UN data forum - TF side event    
Brasilia 2018-09-17 2018-09-18 International Seminar on Methodologies and Tools for International Cooperation Measurement   Document
Brussels 2018-05-31   Consultation on TOSSD with Civil Society Organisations   See the TOSSD Task Force page
Paris 2018-03-29  

Informal WP-STAT Workshop on TOSSD


TOSSD cross-border resource flows pillar: from recipient to provider perspective

TOSSD and types of aid involving no cross-border resource flows

New York 2018-03-06   TOSSD Side event at the UN Statistical Commission Annual Meeting   TOSSD side event at UNSC
  2017-07-17   “Data for SDG17: how to measure contributions towards sustainable development?” High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Side Event  
   2017-05-24   ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum Panel Discussion: “A statistical measurement framework for tracking the Means of Implementation to achieve the SDGs” Summary note, concept note
   2017-05-23   2nd Financing for Development Review Forum: “Pushing the boundaries of official development assistance: challenges and opportunities” CSO Side Event on ODA modernisation and TOSSD organised by the CSO Financing for Development Group, facilitated by Eurodad, the Trade Union Development Cooperation Network and UK Aid Network Summary, concept note
New York  2017-03-06   48th Session of the U.N Statistical Commission Panel discussion - "TOSSD: A statistical measurement framework for tracking the Means of Implementation to achieve the SDGs" Draft agenda, concept note, presentation
New York 2016-12-05   The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on Financing for Development IATF Technical Discussion on measuring international public development
finance and TOSSD
Nairobi  2016-12-01   GPEDC HLM2 NeST/OECD side event "Transparency and accountability of development finance reporting:How can a framework such as TOSSD support the monitoring of financing to the SDGs?"  Concept note
Paris 2016-10-10 2016-10-11 OECD DAC High-Level Meeting    Communiqué
Lisbon, Portugal 2016-09-19 2016-09-20 “Developing the TOSSD framework: measuring collective actions supporting sustainable development” Expert workshop - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Concept note
London 2016-09-26   "Measuring Sustainable Development Finance: principles and safeguards to underpin the measurement of TOSSD" UK Aid Network / ODI / the ONE campaign / Bond / Eurodad / OECD Concept note
Vienna 2016-08-30   Austrian Development Cooperation/OECD expert workshop on TOSSD   Invitation, Summary
New York 2016-07-22   “Principles of SSC and TOSSD: What case studies in the South can tell us about convergence and discrepancy" UNDCF side event - Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST) & German Development Institute (DIE) Concept note
New York 2016-07-21   "The Future Measurement and Monitoring Framework for Development Finance in support of the 2030 Agenda" UNDCF side event - High-level panel discussion co-hosted by OECD and UN Committee for Development Policy (CDP) Concept note
New York 2016-07-19   "Technical Discussion on a future international metric for development finance TOSSD" OECD / UN-DESA / IATF Concept note, presentation, summary
Santiago, Chile 2016-06-28   LAC-DAC Dialogue on Development Co-operation    
New York 2016-04-19   "Mobilising more and better resources in support of Financing for Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda" OECD / the Permanent Mission of Denmark / Ferdi side event Concept note
New York 2016-04-19   UN ECOSOC Financing for Development (FfD) forum Roundtable B “Domestic and international public resources. Part II: International development cooperation” UNHQ - Trusteeship Council Chamber OECD statement
Washington, D.C. 2016-04-16   "TOSSD: developing a measurement framework for the Sustainable Development Goal era" Informal brainstorming Agenda, briefing note
Paris 2016-03-16   Joint DAC-Research Collaborative working session with DFI experts on mobilisation   Agenda
Paris 2016-02-18 2016-02-19 OECD DAC High-Level Meeting   Room document,HLM communiqué
Geneva 2015-12-17 2015-12-18 Network of Southern Think-Tanks (NeST) discussion Defining, measuring and reporting South-South Co-operation Agenda
Paris 2015-11-16   Second TOSSD Expert Workshop   Agenda, summary
New York 2015-10-27   United Nations General Assembly Second Committee, co-organised by Denmark, United Arab Emirates, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and OECD   Concept note, summary
Sweden 2015-09-18   "The New Development Cooperation - what will be meaured, by whom and what will we do with all the data?" DAC external event Agenda
Addis Ababa 2015-07-13   "High-Level Panel Discussion on Strengthening International Co-operation to Mobilise and Measure Public Finance for Sustainable Development" Third International Conference on Financing Development Addis Ababa Action Agenda
Paris 2015-05-13   First TOSSD Expert Workshop   Agenda, summary
New York 2015-04-15   "Financing the post-2015 agenda: A broader measurement framework for monitoring resources in support of the SDGs – Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD)" UNDESA / OECD side-event Concept note
Paris 2015-03-31   "The role of ODA and broader official development finance in the post-2015 era: capturing the opportunities of smarter official finance" Global Forum on Development side-event Concept note of the side-event, summary of the Global Forum
Philippines 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 "Strengthening Coherence between the Effective Development Cooperation and Financing for Development Agendas in the Asia-Pacific" Regional Consultation workshop in Asia-Pacific Concept note, summary
Paris 2014-10-07 2014-10-08 "Development Finance: Total official support for development - an emerging concept in support of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals" DAC Senior-Level Meeting Discussion paper
Paris 2014-12-15 2014-12-16 "New statistical measures and approaches: Total Official support for Sustainable Development and reflecting recipient perspectives" DAC High-Level Meeting  
Paris 2013-04-03 2013-04-04 "Initial Roadmap for Improved DAC Measurement and Monitoring of External Development Finance" DAC Senior-Level Meeting Initial Roadmap
London 2012-12-04 2012-12-05 "New directions in DAC measurement and monitoring of external development finance" DAC High-Level Meeting Communiqué, discussion paper